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If yes, what is the Key Code on the label?
Keycode: ex. I860F1 or F30 


Choose 2 Short Courses or 1 Symposium and 2 Conferences/Training Seminars


Academic, Government,

Registration after August 11, 2017



Choose 2 Conferences/Training Seminars, excludes Short Courses and Symposium



Academic, Government,

Registration after August 11, 2017



Single Conference Pricing
Choose 1 Conference/Training Seminar, excludes Short Courses and/or Symposium


Academic, Government,

Registration after August 11, 2017



Symposium Pricing


Academic, Government,

One Symposium



Two Symposia



Conference Streams & Program Selection

Based upon your package selection choose the conference(s) you will most likely attend. We do allow you to move between conferences occurring on the same dates.

*If you selected...
All Access Package - Choose 2 Short Courses or 1 Symposium and 2 Conferences/Training Seminars
Standard Package - Choose 2 Conferences/Training Seminars, excludes Short Courses and Symposium
Single Conference Package - Choose 1 Conference/Training Seminar, excludes Short Courses and/or Symposium


Main Conference Meetings

Post-Conference Symposia

Monday, September 25

Tuesday, September 26 - Wednesday, September 27

Wednesday, September 27 - Thursday, September 28

Thursday, September 28 - Friday, September 29

Immunomodulatory Small Molecules

Targeting Histone Methyltransferases and Demethylases

Next-Generation Histone Deacetylase Inhibitors


Targeting Autophagy

Targeting the Ubiquitin Proteasome System

Kinase Inhibitor Discovery

CNS and Neurodegenerative Targets

Microbiome in Immuno-Oncology

Targeting the Microbiome

Autoimmune and Inflammation Drug Targets

Constrained Peptides and Macrocyclics

Lead Generation Strategies

Target Identification Strategies


Targeting HBV

NASH and Fibrosis

Emerging Oligonucleotide Therapeutics


CRISPR for Disease Modeling and Target Discovery

Targeting Ocular Disorders

Tackling Rare Diseases


NK Cell-Based Cancer Immunotherapy

Targeting Tumor Myeloid Cells


Antibodies Against Membrane Protein Targets - Part 1

Antibodies Against Membrane Protein Targets - Part 2


GPCR-Based Drug Discovery


TS1: Data Visualization for Effective Drug Discovery Decisions


TS2: Introduction to Small Molecule Drug Discovery and Development


Short Course Pricing


Academic, Government,

Single Short Course



Two Short Courses



Please select the Short Course(s) you would like to attend

September 25, 6:30-9:00 pm (Dinner provided)

September 27, 7:00-9:30 pm (Dinner provided)

SC9: Impact of Convergence of Immunotherapy and Epigenetics on Drug Discovery

SC2: GPCR Structure-Based Drug Discovery

SC10: Introduction to Allosteric Modulators and Biased Ligands of GPCRs

SC12: Practical Phenotypic Screening

SC5: Targeting of Ion Channels with Monoclonal Antibodies

SC13: Introduction to Targeted Covalent Inhibitors

SC6: Covalent Fragments: Applications in Target-Based and Phenotypic Screens

Alumni Discount


20% Off

Poster Discount



Poster abstracts for this conference are no longer being accepted on this site.

If you wish to present a poster at this conference, please email Jamie Ring at jring@healthtech.comfor details.

YES, I would like to use CHI's online Intro-Net service to set up meetings with other conference attendees before, during and after the event, and agree to receive emails from other attendees to facilitate this.

NO, I would not like to use CHI's online Intro-Net service

Your Information

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How would you prefer to receive notices from CHI?

Email:Yes No

Fax: Yes No


We may occasionally send you, via email, industry relevant product & service information on behalf of a third party.

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No, I do not want to receive this information.


Yes! I would like to receive a FREE subscription to:

Bio-IT World New Bulletins - Delivering breaking news within the industry, as it happens
Clinical Informatics News - Clinical Trials to the Clinic
Bio-IT World Weekly Update - Industry news, commentary, and feature highlights from Bio-IT World
YES! I would like more information on CHI's Insight Pharma Reports - Expert Intelligence for Better Decisions


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Additional registration details

How did you first find out about this CHI Conference?:
(check one only)

Conference brochure Colleague  Calendar listing CHI email Received Call Print ad On another web site  Newsgroup posting LinkedIn Twitter Facebook Other

Want to Register by Phone?

Contact our Registration department at 781-972-5400
or Toll-free in the US

Ways to SAVE!

Register 3 - 4th is Free! Individuals must register for the same conference or conference combination and submit completed registration form together for discount to apply.

Alumni Discount and Register 3 and 4th is Free Discount cannot be combined.

Group Discounts and NIH/Government Discounts Available! Special rates are available for multiple attendees from the same organization and for NIH/Government employees. For more information on group and government discounts contact Jeff Knight at 781-247-6264

Alumni Discount: Cambridge Healthtech Institute (CHI) appreciates your past participation at Discovery On Target. As a result of the great loyalty you have shown us, we are pleased to extend to you the exclusive opportunity to save an additional 20% off the registration rate.

*Alumni, Twitter, LinkedIN, Facebook or any other promotional discounts cannot be combined. Discounts not applicable on Event Short Courses.

Training Seminar

CHI Training Seminars Offer:

  • 1.5 day instruction
  • Morning and afternoon refreshments (as applicable; specific times included in the onsite agendas)

Registered Attendees Receive:

  • Lunch on the full-day of instruction
  • A hard copy handbook for the specific seminar of registration (limited additional handbooks are available for non-registered attendees)

CHI requests that Training Seminars not be interrupted once they have begun. We ask that attendees commit to attending the entire program so as to not disturb the hands-on style instruction being offered to other participants.

CHI | Cambridge HealthTech Institute
250 First Avenue, Suite 300
Needham, MA 02494

P: 781.972.5400
F: 781.972.5425
E: chi@healthtech.com 

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