Fulltime graduate and PhD candidates qualify for a student rate. Students are encouraged to present a research poster and receive an additional €50 off their registration fee. Students with a research poster will be recognized as a student fellow at the event.

Student rates cannot be combined with any other discount offers. Students must present a valid/current student ID to qualify for the student rate. Limited to the first 100 students that apply.

The poster deadline has passed. Student Fellow* opportunities may still be available. If you would like to present a poster at this event, please contact jring@healthtech.comLate posters will be accepted only if space allows. Late posters will not be included in conference materials.

Student Standard Package

Includes access to 2 Conferences


Student Fellow with Poster


Student Fellow Registration until 19 October 2018




Student Single Package

Includes access to 1 Conference


Student Fellow with Poster


Student Fellow Registration until 19 October 2018




Conference Package Selection

Required - Conference Selection
Based upon your package selection choose the program(s) you will most likely attend. We do allow you to move between conferences occurring on the same dates.


*If you selected...
Student Standard Package -  Select 2 Conferences
Student Single Package – Select 1 Conference


Wed, 28 Nov, Thurs, 29 Nov AM

Thurs, 29 Nov PM, Fri, 30 Nov (Tracks)

C3: Optimizing Leads and Predicting Drug Toxicity

C5: 3D Cellular Models

C2: Preclinical Models for Cancer Immunotherapy and Combinations

C6: Translational Biomarkers in Immuno-Oncology

C1: Target Identification & Validation Strategies

C7: CNS Models and Translational Strategies

C4: NASH and Fibrosis: Translational Research and Strategies

C8: Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells


Short Course Pricing


1 Short Course


2 Short Courses


27 November | 18:00-20:30

29 November | 19:00-21:30

SC1: Immunology Basics for Drug Discovery, Part 1: Immune System Overview

SC4: Immunology Basics for Drug Discovery, Part 2: Immune-Oncology and Autoimmunity

SC2: Understanding Key Concepts in Drug Metabolism and Drug Transport

SC5: Humanized Mouse Models: Technology and Applications in Preclinical Assessment of Cancer Immunotherapy

SC3: The Origins, Optimization and Application of Organ-on-a-Chip Systems



Symposium Pricing


1 Symposium


Please select 1 Symposia:


27 November 2018

S1: Organ-on-a-Chip and MicroPhysiological Systems

S2: Single-Cell Analysis

S3: Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning for Drug Discovery


23% VAT will be added to each registration. If you would like your VAT account number included on your receipt, please enter it here:

If you have other requirements or instructions for your receipt, please enter them here:


POSTER SUBMISSION – Required for Student Fellowship


The poster deadline has passed. Student Fellow* opportunities may still be available. If you would like to present a poster at this event, please contact jring@healthtech.com. Late posters will be accepted only if space allows. Late posters will not be included in conference materials.

Your Information

Mr.     Ms.     Mrs.     Dr.     Prof.



Level of Study:






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Email:Yes No

Fax: Yes No


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No, I do not want to receive this information.


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Additional registration details

How did you first find out about this CHI Conference?:
(check one only)

Conference brochure Colleague  Calendar listing CHI email Received Call Print ad On another web site  Newsgroup posting LinkedIn Twitter Facebook Other


Want to Register by Phone?

Contact our Registration department at 781-972-5400
or Toll-free in the US